INtelligent, High-SPeed & Integrated Radio Electronics

June 2024: Niteesh's paper, “Theory and Design of Quadrature-Balanced GaN Power Amplifier as Magnetic-Less Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) Front-End”, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
May 2024: Yuchen and Priya's paper titled "High-Power BAW-Based FDD Front-End Using Indirect-Duplexing Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier for Massive MIMO Array" is selected as a Finalist of Best Advanced Practice Paper Competition at IMS 2024. Congratulations!
Apr. 2024: Pingzhu's paper titled “Decade-Bandwidth RF-Input Pseudo-Doherty Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier Using Signal-Flow-Based Phase Alignment Design” is selected as a Finalist in Best Student Paper Competition at IMS 2024 and is awarded as “Top-50 IMS Papers” for publication in special issue of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Congratulations!
Mar. 2024: Jiachen's paper, “Linear Hybrid Asymmetrical Load- Modulated Balanced Amplifier With Multiband Reconfigurability and Antenna-VSWR Resilience”, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Jan. 2024: Three papers from INSPIRE group are accepted to IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2024, Washington DC.
Sep. 2023: We received an award from Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams (ASCENT) Program in NSF ECCS Division, “ASCENT: Heterogeneously Integrated and AI-Empowered Millimeter-Wave Wide-Bandgap Transmitter Array towards Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient Next-G Communications”. Dr. Chen will serve as the PI of this project in collaboration with Prof. Zheng Zhang at UCSB and Prof. Tiwei Wei at Purdue University.
Apr. 2023: Niteesh's paper entitled “Magnetic-Less Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Front End using Highly Efficient GaN-Based Quadrature Balanced Amplifier” won 1st Place Best Student Paper Award in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 2023. Congratulations!
Apr. 2023: Haifeng and Priya's paper entitled “Co-Design of Doherty Power Amplifier and Post-Matching Bandpass Filter” won the Best Conference Paper Award in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 2023. This work was in collaboration with Prof. Xun Gong's group. Congratulations!
Mar. 2023: INSPIRE Lab has received an award from National Science Foundation (NSF), Future of Semiconductors Program, “FuSe-TG: Open, Multiscale, Application-Agnostic Platform for Heterogeneous System-in-Package Co-Design”. This is a collaborative multi-institute research initiative, and Dr. Chen will serve as the Co-PI of this project.
Jan. 2023: Dr. Chen won the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (NSF CAREER) Award. This five-year project will support our pioneering research in next-generation high-power magnetic-less fully directional radio front-ends.
Dec. 2022: Jiachen’s paper entitled “One-Dimensional Reconfigurable Pseudo-Doherty Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier with Intrinsic VSWR Resilience across Wide Bandwidth” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Sep. 2022: INSPIRE Lab has received an award from National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS), “CCSS: AI-Assisted Reconfigurable Dual-Input Load-Modulation Transmitter Array for Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient Massive MIMO Communications”. Dr. Chen will serve as the PI of this project.
Sep. 2022: Haifeng’s paper entitled “Analysis and Design of Reconfigurable Multi-Band Mismatch-Resilient Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier for Massive MIMO Systems” is selected as a featured article by MTT-S e-Newsletter. Congratulations!
June 2022: Jiachen and Haifeng won 2nd Place in IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) the 18th High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition (HEPA-SDC). Congratulations!
June 2022: Niteesh’s paper entitled “Intrinsically Mode Reconfigurable Load-Modulation Power Amplifier Leveraging Transistor’s Analog-Digital Duality” was presented at IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2022.
May 2022: Haifeng’s paper entitled “Analysis and Design of Reconfigurable Multi-Band Mismatch-Resilient Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier for Massive MIMO Systems” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Apr. 2022: Dr. Chen served as TPC Co-Chair in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 2022.
Nov. 2021: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Continuous-Mode Hybrid Asymmetrical Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier with Three-Way Modulation and Multi-Band Reconfigurability” has been published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.
Oct. 2021: Haifeng and Yuchen won 1st Place in IEEE MTT-S the 17th High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition (HEPA-SDC). Congratulations!
Sep. 2021: Haifeng’ paper entitled “Linearity-Enhanced and Highly Efficient Doherty Power Amplifier” has been published in IEEE Microwave Magazine.
May 2021: Haifeng’ paper entitled “Hybrid Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier with High Linearity and Extended Dynamic Range” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL).
Mar. 2021: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Hybrid Asymmetrical Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier with Wide Bandwidth and Three-Way-Doherty Efficiency Enhancement” is accepted by IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2021 and selected for publication in the special issue “Top IMS 2021 Papers” of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Congratulations!
Jan. 2021: Our paper entitled “Linearity-Enhanced Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier with Mismatch Resilience through Series/Parallel Reconfiguration for Massive MIMO” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Jan. 2021: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Highly Miniaturized and Wideband 3-dB Quadrature Hybrid Using Slow-Wave Coupled Line” has been accepted for presentation at IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2021.
Jan. 2021: Haifeng’s paper entitled “Wideband Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier with Reciprocal Main/Auxiliary Setting and Mismatch-Resilient Parallel/Series Reconfiguration” has been accepted for presentation at IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2021.
Oct. 2020: Haifeng and Yuchen won 1st Place in IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) the 16th High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition (HEPA-SDC) with a record-breaking design. Congratulations!
Aug. 2020: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Dual-Octave-Bandwidth RF-Input Pseudo-Doherty Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier with ≥10-dB Power Back-off Range” won 1st Place Best Student Paper Award in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2020. Congratulations!
Aug. 2020: Our paper entitled “Asymmetrical Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier With Continuum of Modulation Ratio and Dual-Octave Bandwidth” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
May 2020: Haifeng’s paper entitled “Balanced-to-Doherty Mode-Reconfigurable Power Amplifier With High Efficiency and Linearity Against Load Mismatch” was ranked No.6 Most Downloaded Article of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT) in April 2020. Congratulations!
Mar. 2020: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Pseudo-Doherty Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier With Wide Bandwidth and Extended Power Back-Off Range” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Feb. 2020: Haifeng’s paper entitled “Balanced-to-Doherty Mode-Reconfigurable Power Amplifier With High Efficiency and Linearity Against Load Mismatch” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT).
Jan. 2020: Yuchen’s paper entitled “Dual-Octave-Bandwidth RF-Input Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier with ≥10-dB Power Back-off Range” has been accepted for presentation at IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2020.
Jan. 2020: Our paper entitled “Enhancing Carrier Aggregation: Design of BAW Quadplexer With Ultrahigh Cross-Band Isolation” has been published in IEEE Microwave Magazine.
Jan. 2020: INSPIRE Lab has received a research fund from Multi-Functional Integrated System Technology (MIST) Center through NSF I/UCRC program in support of a project to develop an integrated Pseudo-Doherty Load Modulated Balanced Amplifier.
Nov. 2019: Our paper entitled “Reconfigurable Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier with High Efficiency and Linearity against Load Mismatch for MIMO and Array Applications” has been accepted to the Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech) 2020.
Sep. 2019: Dr. Chen is invited to serve as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.
July 2019: Dr. Chen will serve as the chair of IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Joint Chapter in Orlando.
June 2019: INSPIRE Lab has received an award from National Science Foundation (NSF) through CCSS (Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems) program to develop a new paradigm of loadline envelope tracking with potentially unlimited modulation bandwidth and high linearity for 5G and beyond. Dr. Chen will serve as the sole PI of this project.
June 2019: Yuchen and Haifeng won 1st place in Student Design Competition “Carrier Aggregation, BAW Quadplexer Module” at IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2019, Boston. Congratulations!
June 2019: Haifeng and Yuchen won 3rd place in Student Design Competition “High Efficiency Power Amplifier” at IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2019, Boston. Congratulations!
Apr. 2019: Yuchen's paper entitled “Wideband Doherty Power Amplifier in Quasi-Balanced Configuration” won Best Student Paper Award (2nd place) in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 2019. Congratulations!
Jan. 2019: Two papers from INSPIRE Lab have been accepted for presentation at IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2019.
Jan. 2019: INSPIRE Lab has received a research fund from Multi-Functional Integrated System Technology (MIST) Center through NSF I/UCRC (Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers) program to develop a new class of reconfigurable mm-Wave power amplifier for 5G phased-array systems.
June 2018: Yuchen Cao and Emil Sunde (undergraduate student) won 1st place in Student Design Competition “Carrier Aggregation, BAW Quadplexer Module” at IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2018, Philadelphia. Congratulations!