INtelligent, High-SPeed & Integrated Radio Electronics

RF Frontend Solutions for 5G and Beyond
Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier
with Extended Power Back-off Range

Balanced-to-Doherty Mode-Reconfigurable PA for Massive MIMO and Active Array Applications

The wireless communications of 5G and beyond facilitate unprecedented quality of service, such as ultrahigh speed and low latency. However, this evolution inevitably brings about severe energy inefficiency mainly due to the degraded efficiency of RF power amplifiers (PAs) that are the most power-consuming unit in wireless systems. As a pioneer in this field, INSPIRE lab is committed to explore innovational solutions of power amplifier and radio frontend to break the current technological barriers.
By combining the new load-modulated balanced amplifier with Doherty-like bias setting and dynamic phase tuning, we for the first time demonstrated the PA efficiency enhancement up to 10-dB power back-off, leading to highly efficient amplification of 5G signals with high peak-to-average-ratio (PAR). Meanwhile, we have discovered a new Doherty PA architecture based on the standard balanced amplifiers, which enables reconfiguration between Doherty mode and balanced mode. This new type of mode-reconfigurable PA offers an effective solution to the antenna impedance mismatch issues in 5G systems due to the massive MIMO and beamforming operations.
Ultra-Wideband High-Performance Power Amplifiers